2012年6月21日 星期四

Meta-Cognitive Therapy As an Effective Treatment For People With ADHD

Do you know someone undergoing some kind of treatment for his or her ADHD? Is that person looking for a treatment that does not require him or her to take medications? If so, then you can tell that someone that there are ADHD News uncovering other treatment strategy that is effective and does not involve medicine!

Over the years, there are a number of treatment strategies that professionals like Occupational Therapists use to treat people with ADHD. These strategies have long been proven effective and do not involve medicines. These intervention strategies include Social Skills Training, Sensory Integration therapy, Caregiver education, Supportive Psychotherapy and the likes. However, these intervention strategies do not address all of the client's problems. In addition to these, there has been a new found treatment strategy that is also proven effective. This is the so-called Meta-Cognitive Therapy. Unlike the other intervention approaches, this new treatment strategy focuses on other aspects of the client.

An article about Meta-Cognitive Therapy has been published in the American Journal of Psychiatry. Apparently, Meta-Cognitive Therapy involves teaching methods that are based on the cognitive-behavioral principles. This treatment strategy is for Adults with ADHD and intends to improve planning and organizational skills and time management of the person. The study to test its effectiveness was done in comparison to Supportive Psychotherapy. In the study, there are two groups of patients - one group will receive meta-cognitive therapy and the other, supportive psychotherapy. At the end of the 12-day study, it has been found out that the group who underwent meta-cognitive therapy has significantly improved more compared to the group of supportive psychotherapy. Apparently, the meta-cognitive therapy also managed the anxious and depressed thoughts and ideas of the people with ADHD that was part of the study because they improved in their self-management skills that was compromised because of such thoughts. From this stuffy, it also appears that support psychotherapy produced the same results in terms of nonspecific aspects of the treatment like giving of support to the participants.

Having known this, you may inform your friend or relative who wants to try new intervention approaches in the treatment of their condition. You may tell them that there is no harm in trying such approaches because they have been proven effective and does not have side effects unlike when they try new medications. You can also try and ask the professionals, doctors and therapists about the said therapy because they might provide you with more information and it is also likely that they can answer your questions if you have any.

Puneet writes a blog about ADHD and helps ADHD sufferers to find new treatments in naturopathy and alternative medicine. If you are looking for a well-researched herbal remedy for ADHD, you may read more

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