2012年1月31日 星期二

Adult ADHD: Why Sensory Stimulation is the Secret

In my last article I told about a kid with ADHD symptoms who I was working with in my practice. I taught him to connect his love of hockey with doing science homework, which he was currently getting F's in because he was bored. He used hockey cards and posters and music to do this and he ended up getting A's in Science as a result.

That's an example of someone with ADHD symptoms connecting something they love and something they're not that excited about together to make it at least a semi-exciting experience.

Today, Stephanie Frank and I are going to going to talk about how to use sensory stimulation with Adult ADHD symptoms--using all five senses--to help focus the brain with Adult ADHD.

An example of this is when I have to do the dishes--something I find extremely boring. It's hard for me to stand there for more than two minutes. My ADHD symptoms kick in and I wander off. So here's what I do to stay focused when I do the dishes.

First I make myself a nice pot of coffee (ever noticed how people with Adult ADHD love coffee?). The second thing I do when I want to get a household chore done at high speed is, a technique I started using after we came up with this hockey idea for the kid with ADHD symptoms I was working with: except I use a different interest.

I'm a distance runner. I love running. So, I actually will get in my running clothes, shoes, shorts, and shirt, and do the dishes at high speed while dressed up like a runner. It's kind of a funny sight, but it works. It works really well--and can work great for anyone Adult ADHD symptoms.

Stephanie Frank explains why this really works with Adult ADHD symptoms:

Stephanie: Let's talk about why that works with Adult ADHD, Tellman. If you're focusing on something, you're probably doing it unconsciously. You're not even aware of all the things that are happening. Let's bring that up to the awareness level that people with Adult ADHD symptoms operate at.

The point is that when you want to focus, people with Adult ADHD symptoms have a brain, a body, a mind that works automatically in kind of a multi-tasking sort of a mode. People with Adult ADHD can accomplish many, many things at once, whereas most people without ADHD symptoms have to go from one thing to the next thing to the next thing.

Because you have Adult ADHD symptoms, you like to do lots of things at once. This is because when you sit down and you try to just focus on this one thing, what happens is your brain almost rebels. It shuts down. It gets to that point where it says, "Ugh. I'm so bored. There's not enough stimulus. There's nothing going on. I can't just focus on this one thing because I have such a capacity to do more things."

The basic premise for getting something done with Adult ADHD symptoms, especially when it's something you don't like to do, is very simple, and it's this: you have to involve multiple senses. You have to involve all your senses.

Tellman said that he puts on a pot of coffee for the sense of smell. Of course, caffeine doesn't hurt, right? So right there, you can smell the coffee. Then he puts on his running clothes. That's kinesthetic. That's feeling in your body. You could also light a candle. That could be a visual sense that doesn't distract, or it could be a smell too.

You can play music. That is auditory. So, you've got your entire body, all your senses involved and being stimulated...and your ADHD symptoms are just soaking it up, actually helping you to focus more...did I get all the senses?

Tellman: Well, you're talking about visual, kinesthetic, auditory or hearing, olfactory, and gustatory which is smell and taste. Then, some people would say, "What about your connection with your spiritual life?" Some people would even refer to that as a sixth sense.

You can integrate that too, if that's your style, and that makes sense to you. Whatever religion you practice, see if you can somehow incorporate that into what you're doing.

There are lots of very powerful ways to simply connect up things that interest you with what you're doing, to really make them work for you. Be creative. Use your ADHD symptoms of hyper-creativity and innovation to your advantage on this.

While we're on the subject, there is another solution people with Adult ADHD symptoms can use for getting those things done that you don't like to do, and it's called "outsourcing."

There are very specific ways people with Adult ADHD can outsource things at home, and things at work, that are taking your time and energy that shouldn't be. To find out more about outsourcing and other great techniques for Adult ADHD, see below.

Tellman Knudson can help you learn to focus, beat distraction and accomplish your goals. Learn more about Adult ADHD Symptoms and pick up your free newsletter of ADHD practical tips and techniques to make your life better today!

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Character Trumps Credentials

Whether you are hiring an employee, selecting a romantic partner, making a new friend, or sizing up any potential relationship, it would benefit you in the long run to evaluate the most critical personal attribute: character.

Don't take a person merely on their word, or what they say they are. Check for integrity. Do words match actions? Are they trying too hard to convince you (or themselves) about how great they are? Do they demonstrate goodwill? Do their motives seem selfish, or considerate? Do they tend to be coercive or respectful? Ponder each of these questions one at a time and feel the truth of each answer.

When making a new friend, take it slowly. It's great to have companionship, but pay attention to see if conversations are balanced. Do they spend as much time listening to you as talking? Are they "takers" who get as much as they can and give very little? Are they trying to present an image by trying to be impressive, or are they being truly authentic? Do they have good values? Are they caring toward others, or only those they are trying to get something from? People with good character demonstrate it in their actions-words to puff themselves up aren't necessary.

Certainly, if you are hiring for a trained, specialized position, credentials and experience are required. However, you can get the most intelligent person with great credentials, but if they do not have good character and goodwill, they can potentially cost more anguish and money than what they can produce in the way of beneficial contributions. Emotional intelligence includes good character, intelligence, common sense, empathy, and wisdom. Find out what their values are, what they most care about. Ask higher-level questions that are related to character, such as: "If you could improve one thing in the world, what would it be?"

Discernment is the requirement of the hour. Discernment is making wise choices based on awareness. Instinct is involved. It is imperative in these transitional and transformational times to use your gut feelings and inner sensory perceptions in making decisions. Know what your inner truth signals are. Know what truth and integrity feel like in your body.

If you have existing relationships that are not working toward your highest good and happiness, it will be wise to consider what character traits have been demonstrated. Do they take into account other points of view? Are they critical? Do they always need to be right? Do they pressure you in a conversation to the point where you just give up to experience peace? Do they know all the answers about how you should live or solve your problems? Do they try to overlay their value system onto you? Do they use fear or some other kind of manipulation in an attempt to control your choices?

Or do they come from the heart, with an open mind, willing to listen to your feelings and viewpoints? Do they care about how you feel? Are they supportive of your decisions? Are they loyal to your concerns and interests as much as their own? Are they helpful, generous, kind and easy to be around? Do they accept your values? Do they support your decisions?

It is your life. Your choices count big time in what you experience. It is time to tune in to your heart, and follow its guidance as you navigate through these turbulent times. You will be much happier, peaceful, and successful as you carefully select who will be in or stay in your life.

Michelle Marie Angel is dedicated to helping people overcome challenges in life with inspired information. For those who are seeking solace and solutions, Michelle is continually increasing her offerings. To sample these offerings, order a FREE eBooklet, How to Rise Above Economic Anxiety and Create Inner Peace: 12 Ideas that will Change Your Life, by sending an email to Michelle with **FREE E-BOOKLET** in the subject to: michelle@visionarysolutions.org. For program offerings visit http://www.visionarysolutions.org and for books and products visit http://www.smile4love.com.

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2012年1月30日 星期一

Everyone's Doing the Best They Can

Does the title seem a bit outrageous, particularly when you observe sub-par performance in someone from whom you expect more? That someone may be you or a person you work or live with. Rather than moving into judgment, let's examine why everyone is doing the best they can. Perhaps you will be kinder to yourself and others after understanding the underlying neuroscience principles of performance excellence. These insights improve relationships by suspending judgment and raise the bar for other areas you want to improve.

Think about something you recently did poorly but with which you have a good track record. Were you calm or in a stressed state? Was the physical environment right? Were you thinking too much about the activity rather than trusting your instincts and training? Were you worried or experiencing pain? Your physical environment and brain-body state has significant impact on performance. This applies to doing something you are good at or learning something entirely new. "State" is the first part of understanding why people are doing the best they can. The other part is "resources."

Resources are your skill sets, knowledge and physical equipment. People can be considered "resources" when they are an integral part of the activity in which you are engaged. Let's take tennis as an example. Are the racquet, clothing and shoes comfortable and in good working order? Have you researched your opponent and developed your game plan? Do you have the skills and stamina to execute the shots and moves? Are your friends and coach present to support and cheer you on to victory? If not, your resources may be inadequate to get the outcomes you want.

State-of-mind and resources work hand-in-hand to achieve performance excellence. If one or both are lacking and not working together, performance will suffer. When you experience yourself or others performing poorly in relationships, work and life choices, think about the "state-resources connection" to suspend judgment and understand the dynamics of what's going on.

You can increase your performance in any activity by utilizing the neuroscience principles of state and resources. Pilots use pre-flight checklists to gain awareness of their state and resources. This includes how they and their crew are feeling, as well as their equipment, aircraft environment, flight plan, weather conditions and other factors. Develop your own checklist for the activities you want to improve. Consider both "state" and "resources" as you create and use your lists for practice and performance. Integrating these two elements will get your brain and body connected and engaged to achieve performance excellence.

Self awareness and mastery of your sensory and cognitive thinking pathway strengths is essential to experience performance excellence. You must know how your brain is wired and what makes you tick to build knowledge, competencies and skills.

Stephen Hager is a lifelong learner, scientist, author, speaker and teacher. Along with Deanna Phelps, he is the co-creator of brain-based human development products. Their goal is to help people live better and more peaceful lives through the "power within." Since 1992, Deanna and Stephen have been developing practical neuroscience solutions for better communications, clearer thinking, faster learning, higher productivity, stress management and creative problem solving. Everything they have learned from 20 years of research and working with people is incorporated in the comprehensive and individualized Brain PathWays 14-page report. Brain PathWays is the most advanced and value packed neuroscience system available anywhere. The Brain PathWays Blog, Free Daily Messages From Your Brain and Free Resources will likely motivate you to bookmark http://www.brainpathways.net as a Favorite.

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5 Effective Special Education Methodologies For Children With Autism

Do you have a child with autism, pervasive developmental disorder, or Aspergers Syndrome? Have you been searching for specific methodologies that could benefit your child's education? This article will discuss 5 that are proven to help children with autism learn.

Curricula that are used to teach children are required by law to be research based which means that they are proven to work to teach children. The problem is that many school districts are sticking to antiquated curricula and methodologies, rather than looking for research based ones.

Below is a list of 7 that you can ask for to benefit your child's education:

1. Applied Behavioral Analysis has been researched since 1987 and is proven to help children with disabilities learn. ABA is intense 1-1 from 25-40 hours per week. Children are taught skills in a simple step by step manner such as teaching colors one at a time. ABA is extremely expensive; between $35,000 and $50,000 per year. For maximum benefit the child should start as close to age 3 as possible and continue for at least 4 years. Many states are beginning to cover autism treatment, so check and see if your state is one of them.

2. Reading should be taught using a multisensory reading instruction that is Orton-Gillingham based. Make sure that any teacher that teaches your child has received the appropriate amount of training. Also make sure that they are giving your child direct instruction, for the amount of time that the reading system prescribes. Many school districts may use a good multisensory reading program, but do not train the teachers, and do not give the child direct instruction for the prescribed amount.

A few names of multi sensory reading programs are: the Barton Reading and Spelling System, Lindamood Bell system, and the Wilson reading program.

3. Social Skills can be taught by using the SOS system (Social Skills in School) by Dunn. Also Building Social relationships by Bellim, or Social Skills interactive software. A new method for teaching children how to develop relationships is called the Relationship Development Intervention.

4. For Central Auditory Processing disorder there are several effective methods available; Fast ForWord, Earrobics, and Berard Auditory Integration Training (called Berard AIT). Also make sure that the method used is used for the correct amount of time, or progress may be minimal.

5. For children with sensory integration disorder there is a program called the Alert Program: How Does Your Engine Run? Occupational therapy is also used for children with sensory integration dysfunction (SID-which most children with autism have). If your child is receiving occupational therapy for SID, make sure that the schools OT has the correct training, to deal with sensory integration issues. Ask for proof that they are SIPT qualified, before they are allowed to work with your child.

By knowing these 5 methodologies you will be well on your way to helping your child with autism learn. The internet can be used to find more information on those methods that you feel will help your child. Good Luck!

JoAnn Collins is the mother of two adults with disabilities, and has helped families navigate the special eduation system, as an advocate, for over 15 years. She is a presenter and author of the book "Disability Deception; Lies Disability Educators Tell and How Parents Can Beat Them at Their Own Game." The book has a lot of resources and information to help parents fight for an appropriate education for their child. For a free E newsletter entitled "The Special Education Spotlight" send an E mail to: JoAnn@disabilitydeception.com. For more information on the book, testimonials about the book, and a link to more articles go to: http://www.disabilitydeception.com

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A Neuroscience View of Learning Styles

The term "learning styles" is often associated with academic and educational applications. The traditional definition of "learning styles," however, is a small and incomplete slice of the overall contextual understanding required for successful learning and teaching outcomes. It's no wonder why there is sometimes controversy and confusion about "learning styles."

My organization has been working in the field of practical neuroscience since 1992, building brain-based human development products for academic success, personal development and business applications. The purpose of this article is to expand the definition of "learning styles," so learners and teachers alike can embrace and utilize this essential knowledge. The core principles apply to the totality of life, not just the classroom.

What are "Learning Styles?"

Each person has unique brain pathways preferences to take in and think about sensory information.

Sensory Pathways: Visual (seeing), Auditory (listening) and Kinesthetic (hands-on)
Cognitive PathWays: Sequential (logical), Global (big picture) and Integrated (cognitively balanced)

A person's "learning style" is frequently described as their strongest or primary sensory pathway to learn (e.g. being "kinesthetic"). This is a very limited and incomplete way of viewing "learning styles." The sequence of sensory preferences is important because it takes two or more sensory pathways to lock in received information. As examples, some people need to "see it and hear it," others may want to "do it and see it," and some may prefer to "hear it and do it."

The various sensory sequences are: KVA, KAV, VKA, VAK, AKV and AVK. (K = Kinesthetic,V = Visual, A = Auditory) The lowest sensory score is what you pay least attention to and is called a "blind spot." Most students are KVA and VKA. Think about the learning challenges of these students, who least prefer listening to the meaning of words, when trying to learn in a lecture setting, with a minimum of visual material and things to do.

The other half of the "learning styles" equation is how you prefer to process or think about sensory information. Some people favor learning and working in predictable, logical, orderly, and process-driven environments. Others require open-ended situations, moving from task to task, and using their imagination to learn and work optimally. The cognitive differences between Sequential and Global thinkers are often overlooked in both the classroom and workplace. It's frequently the defining factor in achieving successful academic and career outcomes.

An expanded neuroscience definition of "learning styles" is a person's sensory sequence to take in information and their cognitive preferences to process it. The combination of sensory and cognitive pathways is our representational system for life. It gives us the ability to learn, express, perform, think, solve problems and make decisions.

Who Should Know About "Learning Styles?"

The first and most important person to possess "learning style" knowledge is the "learner." That's why putting this information and data in the hands of teachers, alone, provides limited and sometimes disappointing outcomes.

Learning goes well beyond the classroom, self-study or online courses. Our brains are continually receiving sensory information, making choices, reaching conclusions, solving problems, and expressing. These processes constitute the flow and fabric of our lives. Therefore, everyone can benefit from knowing how their brains are wired and what makes them tick.

Reasons to share your "learning styles" information with others (e.g. teachers, spouse, co-workers and friends) include improving communications so they can transmit on your "wavelength." It's also helpful, in the workplace, to align work activities with brain strengths. Alignment improves morale, engagement and productivity.

What is the Role of Teachers?

I believe successful teachers are continuous learners, who are passionate about their careers. They learn from their students and exchange "best practices" with other teachers. Teachers know that students learn for their own reasons, not those of the teacher. Great teachers encourage their students to discover how their brains prefer to learn and think. They coach them to take responsibility for their own learning and leverage their brain strengths. Successful teachers establish safe and non-judgmental environments. They provide learning resources and encourage their students to teach one another; the highest form of learning is teaching.


The neuroscience meaning of "learning styles" is the foundation for accelerated learning, successful careers, better relationships and personal growth. Knowing how your brain prefers to learn and think is the key to a better and less stressful life. Everyone interested in improving their quality-of-life will benefit from this important knowledge.

Stephen Hager is a lifelong learner, scientist, author, speaker and teacher. Along with Deanna Phelps, he is the co-creator of brain-based human development products. Their goal is to help people live better and more peaceful lives through the "power within." Since 1992, Deanna and Stephen have been developing practical neuroscience solutions for better communications, clearer thinking, faster learning, higher productivity, stress management and creative problem solving. Everything they have learned from 20 years of research and working with people is incorporated in the comprehensive and individualized Brain PathWays 14-page report. For a daily dose of practical neuroscience tips, visit http://www.brainpathways.net and sign up for Free Daily Messages From Your Brain.

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2012年1月29日 星期日

Be the Lovers You Both Have Dreamed Of!

Have you wondered why lovemaking is more mutually satisfying with some partners than with others? Was it you? Was it them? Was it your experience, or lack thereof? Some partners seem to be on the same page with you, while others...not so much. Why is this? Are there basic but different styles and preferences to sex? You bet! Then how do you begin to understand how to keep the one you love happy in matters of love making (and help them keep you happy too)?

For each of us, beyond the initial chemistry, we are internally hardwired to how we prefer to experience sex. The more we understand how our partners and we are wired, the more consistently rewarding relationships become.

The first key is how you and your partner like to use your senses during sex. The second is how you prefer the pattern of sexual activities to unfold. Neuroscience unlocks these preferences and patterns for lovemaking!

To get started, which of the following sensory characteristics do you and your partner relate to the most and least? Focus on the most important sensory preference for each person. With practice, work toward integrating the two strongest sensory pathways into your sexual repertoire. For variety and spice, combine the strongest and weakest sensory pathways. Also, experiment with scent and taste like aromatic candles, essential oils, sensual food and drinks.

Kinesthetic: How things feel

Try:      Comfortable settings with freedom to move about, pillows, non-traditional settings, massage, different positions, diverse kinesthetic activities, touch and movement.                                                          

Visual: How things look:

Try:     Visually attractive environment, provocative clothing, art, flowers, candles, stimulating images, mirrors, nature scenes, descriptive notes, look deeply into each other's eyes. 

Auditory: How things sound:

Try:      Quiet and interruption free environment, talk, listen, and ask questions, mood music, verbally descriptive, express feelings auditorily, move to the tempo and rhythm of music.                                   

It's also important to experience sensory sexual activities in the cognitive pattern of choice.

Sequential:Predictability and knowing what to expect

Try: Agreed upon activities within a time frame

Global:Open ended possibilities and options

Try: Variety and open-ended activities with spontaneity

Integrated:a balance of Sequential and Global

Try: Random variation of predictability and unpredictability

It's fun and easy to accommodate each other's neuroscience preferences and patterns in sexual encounters. The possibilities are endless. You should be able to get started now. If you are different from one another, you have the possibility of doubling your pleasures. Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin. Understanding your sensory pathways is the key to unlock your sexual smorgasbord of fulfillment, excitement and ecstasy. Respecting and responding safely to one another's sexual preferences builds deep bonds of respect and caring.

Stephen Hager is a lifelong learner, scientist, author, speaker and teacher. Along with Deanna Phelps, he is the co-creator of brain-based human development products. Their goal is to help people live better and more peaceful lives through the "power within." Since 1992, Deanna and Stephen have been developing practical neuroscience solutions for better communications, clearer thinking, faster learning, higher productivity, stress management and creative problem solving. Everything they have learned from 20 years of research and working with people is incorporated in the comprehensive and individualized Brain PathWays 14-page report. Brain PathWays is the most advanced and value packed neuroscience system available anywhere. The Brain PathWays Blog, Free Daily Messages From Your Brain and Free Resources will likely motivate you to bookmark http://www.brainpathways.net as a Favorite.

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An ADHD Natural Remedy is the Answer to Your Child's Problems

An ADHD natural remedy is still regarded as alternative. This is paradoxical when we consider that natural remedies should be the norm and any synthetic chemicals manufactured in a laboratory should be the alternative option!

The Internet as an education tool

If we reflect on the power of the Internet, we can note with some relief that things are now changing and information and awareness are now increasing. The result is that parents are more aware of alternatives such as an ADHD natural remedy and they can make informed choices. They are also much more savvy about ADHD drugs and their potential for causing health problems. In other words, the public is becoming much more educated.

Sensory Integration Disorder

One problem often overlooked when looking at ADHD treatment is how to deal with the very difficult problem of SID (Sensory Integration Disorder) which is a co-morbid condition with ADHD.

This can manifest itself in various ways but the basic problem is that the child cannot distinguish incoming sensory messages. These can range from noises, smells, touch and taste.

Sometimes children just cannot stand the taste of certain foods so diet becomes a real problem. Others cannot stand the sense that the medicines give them or its taste and smell and so on. The reason is that the imbalance in brain chemicals is just not allowing them to make certain distinctions and even the textures of things like fruit and vegetables may be completely unacceptable to the child.

Why ADHD children have difficulty in focusing

It also explains why they cannot focus very well because the brain is flooded with all sorts of messages and sounds all competing for their attention. Now we know why they are having trouble in focussing on a task and why inattentiveness is such a common symptom. Their filter mechanisms are just defective.

It also explains why they are having difficulty in controlling their impulsivity. So, an ADHD natural remedy like an ADHD homeopathic one is ideal in cases like this.

Advantages of ADHD homeopathic remedies.

First, they help the child to remain calmer and more focused because the ingredients are aimed at restoring a rather delicate balance in the brain. Secondly there is no problem of taste or smell as these medicines do not have any and as they are drops they can easily be popped into their favourite beverage. In addition the actual ingredients are all registered in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS).

I know that the company mentioned m in my website is a FDA registered facility which is just another guarantee that these products are completely safe.

Now that you know that an ADHD natural remedy has so many advantages, why not click through and see for yourself. Then you can make an informed decision about what is right for your child.

Yes, you CAN raise happier, calmer and better behaved children. Discover how an ADHD natural remedy can turn your child around. Experts now tell us that child behavior modification combined with a natural treatment for ADHD is by far the most effective ADHD treatment. Visit http://www.child-behavior-home.com to find out more about ADHD child behavior problems.

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2012年1月28日 星期六

Is Your Baby's Brain Forming Right Before Your Eyes?

Science begins to confirm much of what we already know about the critical importance of adequate nurturing, in the early stages of life. British scientists are now able to monitor how our brain's "wiring" develops in the first few months of life, because of new imaging technology.

Researchers at King's College London scanned babies brains to monitor myelination, which is a process of maturation by which the brain becomes more effective. Myelination is largely responsible for conducting impulses within the brain; therefore allowing the brain to respond adaptively, or in a functional manner, to surroundings. Scientists scanned the infants monthly from 3 to 11 months, and found that by 9 months, the "myelination had taken place in all areas of the brain." (1)

"We already know that insulating myelin sheaths form the cornerstone of our neurodevelopment." states Sean Deoni, who led the study. The next (and very exciting) phase of study, will involve monitoring the myelination process in premature infants, who have not yet had a chance to fully develop structures in the brain, and compare the major differences between them and "normally" developing infants.

"In very premature babies, myelination can be particularly prone to damage, and the researchers said they hoped their new imaging technique would in the future allow doctors to directly measure whether the treatments given to premature babies are able to help normal brain development." Kate Kelland

Since I am one of the clinicians who provides such treatment to neonates, I will comment on the subject. From my work with premature infants at NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit), I have been privileged to experience how miraculously 'adaptive' the human nervous system can be. As an occupational therapist, I have extensive training in the area of sensory integration; however, I truly realized what all that training was really good for, in NICU. Essentially, sensory integration is a science which specifically addresses the way the human brain is able to process responses from the external world, and helps to facilitate an adaptive, or functional response.

It wasn't until my greatest 'Little Teachers' were able to regulate their physiological stress so they could begin dealing with their world: i.e. looking at me (or mommy/daddy), molding into an embrace, discovering their own bodies (their surroundings) and initiating feeding... That I realized the techniques I use: such as deep pressure touch, and VERY graded movement (in a way similar to what our 'normal' nervous systems experience in utero) were very effective in helping this little 'human systems' respond in a more mature and organized way to their environment. It helped them to begin bonding, learning and feeding (important pre-requisites for life).

"By understanding exactly how myelin develops and when this process breaks down, we hope to be able to tailor treatments for vulnerable patients, such as premature babies, and understand what differentiates those that develop normally from those who have some delay or disability." Sean Deoni

We have long been aware of that movement is linked to increased myelination (or conductivity) of the nervous system; I would venture to say, for those of you who are thinking 'bigger is better', that is NOT the intensity but the appropriateness of the movement that helps create an adaptive response. You would not take a baby in a roller coaster ride, but gently rock him/her in securely your arms, monitoring that s/he responds by making eye contact with you, or cuddling--rather than stiffening, or tremoring.

It is easy to recall earlier studies of children in Romanian orphanages who were adequately fed and clothed during infancy, but received little other human interaction (i.e. touch). Some of these children were examined later using Pet Scans, and these revealed much of the functional brain space had simply wasted away. The most successful of these children had learned to compensate, by using other areas of their brain for several functions, which once again reinforces the miraculous adaptability of the human nervous system.

In conclusion, science is continuing to offer 'proof' that early nurturing is essential, if not critical, to healthy development. There are now tools that illustrate the effects of early experience in the neurophysiology of the brain. Evidence further supporting the importance of critical developmental windows, when skills are built for a lifetime.

(1) "Study shows how brain's wiring develops in babies"-- Kate Kelland, Baby Center News

(2) Reuters Resources

Irene Martinez, OTR/L. Pediatric Occupational Therapist, with 18 years of clinical expertise. Holds certifications in NeuroDevelopment and Sensory Integration. Clinical specialist at Miami Children's Hospital, and Director at The Children's Therapy Place. For the most updated information visit http://www.TenderCareforTenderPeople.com

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Applying Intrinsic Rewards to Children With Autism

Intrinsic rewards can be the same for children with ASD or can be different. There are several reasons why the reward might be different. Parents can also figure out something a little unique when they need to.

Children with Autism may respond to the same intrinsic rewards a typical child. Those rewards are things like a pat on the back, a hug, telling them they did a good job, smiling, a thumbs up, etc. Parents can easily think up more of these which may be already in use in their family.

Intrinsic rewards are typically rewards that do not have to be paid for. Physical rewards are rewards that are bought or have to be gotten in some way. It is an item that can be handed to the child.

Since phasing out physical rewards are part of the process of positive behavioral supports for children with Autism. Both types of rewards should be paired in preparation for the phasing out. It is also easier to give an intrinsic reward from across the room when a parent 'catches' their child doing a desired behavior or skill. Parents use intrinsic rewards all the time without realizing it.

The challenge is that some children with do not like to be touched. Or more specifically they like certain types of touch. Some of the types of touching used in sensory integration are good rewards. If a parent is using sensory integration for calming they do not want to withhold it just to use it for an reward. It can still be used as a reward.

Some parents also pair two or more intrinsic rewards with success for children with Autism. They may pair a thumbs up with a big smile and saying good job. Of course parents can and will come up with other ideas and intrinsic rewards for their family.

Would you like more free information? Please register here: http://autismonabudget.blogspot.com/2009/12/free-information.html

Mylinda Elliott is the parent of five children. The third of the five has Autism which was diagnosed early on. The fourth of the five children has Aspergers. She is a self taught expert. Mylinda Elliott has also worked professionally in the disability world for the past fifteen years. She is considered the "Go To" woman for advice or resources on disabilities.

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2012年1月27日 星期五

How Do You Know It's the Right Job?

Knowing it's the right job may not be as obvious as you think. This pertains to the job you are in, interviewing for or dreaming about. There is more to job satisfaction than salary, benefits, commute time, physical environment and working in your field of interest. Why is it that many people give high marks to these factors and are unhappy and unfulfilled?

Neuroscience provides the insights and solutions to finding and succeeding in the right job. The alignment of how your brain is wired with the "neuro-signatures" of the job is a big factor in long term job satisfaction. The key to job pleasure is passionately engaging with interests aligned with your brain strengths. Misalignment will ultimately cause frustration, loss of interest, low productivity and work related mistakes and accidents.

Every brain is "wired" differently based on genetics, learning and experience.

Sensory information enters through your five senses: sight (Visual), touch/movement (Kinesthetic), sound (Auditory), smell and taste. Sensory mode sequences are combinations of Kinesthetic, Visual and Auditory preferences for what you pay most and least attention to. There are six possible combinations. You will be more fulfilled and productive when using your two strongest sensory pathways.

Cognitive thinking is how you process sensory information in your two brain hemispheres. The "left brain" is the logical side providing order, realism, sequence, language interpretation, and practical thinking. The "right brain" operates about 10,000 times faster than the "left brain;" this side provides new ideas, possibilities, music recognition, innovation, and systemic big picture thinking. Most people have a preference for using one side over the other. Integrated thinkers have an equal preference for both Sequential and Global activities; they need variety and balance to be stimulated and engaged.

Work and life activities have neuro-sensory and cognitive signatures.

Nearly every activity has combinations of sensory and cognitive thinking characteristics that define the "neuro-signatures" of the activity. Doesn't it make sense that you are more likely to engage, enjoy and do better in work aligned with your strengths? The following examples will help you analyze what you do on a daily basis.

Sensory Pathways

Visual: proof reading, data entry, quality control observations, reading instructions, visual arts, design, proof-reading
Kinesthetic: hands-on activities, operating equipment and tools, physical action and movement, face-to-face interactions
Auditory: listening attentively, asking and answering questions, conflict resolution, crafting language, hearing tone of voice

Cognitive Thinking Pathways:

Sequential: analysis, staying on task, organization, logic, process and procedures, tactical, content, practical and realistic
Global: open-ended, multi-tasking, options and possibilities, systemic, exploratory, ideating, "big picture," strategic, context
Integrated: a combination of Sequential and Global activities

As an example, Telemarketing requires making and receiving phone calls, listening attentively, asking questions, providing auditory information, some computer work and limited physical movement. Telemarketing typically involves established processes and procedures. A person having the sensory sequence of Auditory-Visual-Kinesthetic with a strong preference for Sequential thinking would be ideally suited for this work, assuming they were interested in telemarketing as a career. On the other hand, a Kinesthetic-Visual-Auditory learner and Global thinker would likely be miserable because they are misaligned with the job requirements.

Aligning your brain strengths with what you have to do increases the probability of career success. You will be more engaged, get more done in less time, make fewer mistakes and enjoy your work when you use your sensory and cognitive thinking strengths.

Stephen Hager is a lifelong learner, scientist, author, speaker and teacher. Along with Deanna Phelps, he is the co-creator of brain-based human development products. Their goal is to help people live better and more peaceful lives through the "power within." Since 1992, Deanna and Stephen have been developing practical neuroscience solutions for better communications, clearer thinking, faster learning, higher productivity, stress management and creative problem solving. Everything they have learned from 20 years of research and working with people is incorporated in the comprehensive and individualized Brain PathWays 14-page report. Brain PathWays is the most advanced and value packed neuroscience system available anywhere. The Brain PathWays Blog, Free Daily Messages From Your Brain and Free Resources will likely motivate you to bookmark http://www.brainpathways.net as a Favorite.

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Bean Bag Furniture And Autistic Children

Therapists that work with autistic children recommend different types of therapy that involve exposing children to different textures and levels of pressure on the body. Sensory integration therapy helps autistic children learn how to manage sensory input, and deep pressure therapy provides stimulation to the nervous system that helps them calm themselves and focus. Many occupational therapists recommend beanbag furniture as a part of sensory integration and deep pressure therapy with children.

There are many benefits to beanbag furniture for sensory integration therapy. The unique soft, squishy texture of beanbag chairs, pillows and loungers allows children with autism to learn about texture. Children can toss small bean bags, carry medium sized bags around, hug them, or simply flop onto a large beanbag chair to feel the texture all over their body. The experience of the softness of beanbag chairs can also be very calming and relaxing.

Beanbag furniture is the perfect product to provide safe and therapeutic deep pressure for autistic children. With deep pressure therapy, children need to feel pressure on their bodies to stimulate their nervous system. This stimulation allows the child to relax and focus. Since this furniture is filled with shredded foam, children can safely flop onto it or be squished in between two beanbag chairs. The shredded foam provides pressure but is soft enough not to harm the child.

As well as helping autistic children experience textures and pressure, beanbags also offer benefits to parents and therapists. Many beanbag furniture companies offer many different sizes and colors at low prices. Parents can choose from pillows, bag chairs small enough for one child or large enough for several people, as well as many different color options for covers. Many autistic children love one color or texture, so the choice offered by bean bag furniture companies can make buying bean bags for autistic children easy.

Parents and therapists of autistic children can also benefit from the portability and easy cleanup offered by beanbag furniture. A play or therapy area filled with bean bags is easy to rearrange, and most beanbag furniture is light enough to be easily picked up and stored when not in use. Beanbag furniture also comes in covers made from space-age fabrics that can be easily wiped off with a sponge or tossed in the washing machine.

Another great benefit of beanbag furniture to parents and therapists of autistic children is saving money. Not only are most beanbag chairs very affordable, they can be considered tax deductions because they are being used as therapy tools.

With the many features and benefits of a bean bag, buying one which provides the comfort and affordability necessary to meet your needs is crucial. Comfy Sacks has bean bags in a wide variety of sizes and colors. Instead of being filled with beans, they are filled with a proprietary blend of shredded polyurethane foam. This guarantees that it will be soft, and durable for years to come.

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2012年1月26日 星期四

Home Water Fountains and Waterfalls: A Multi-Sensory Approach to Reducing Stress

Here's an experiment. Take note of your stress and energy levels following one day spent doing what you normally do in a day, and then compare that to the stress and energy levels you experience at the end of a day spent in nature. The chances are favorable that you end your day in nature with less stress and more energy than you feel at the end of a typical day of work, school, errands, and other miscellaneous tasks. While the results of this experiment may seem obvious, you may be surprised to learn that much of our stress and lack of energy as a society comes from the very fact that we are constantly surrounded by noise.

From the moment we wake to the moment we fall asleep at night, our ears and brains are required to deal with a multitude of low frequency sounds that drain the brain of energy and cause stress. Low frequency noises include the ever-present hum of household appliances, the drone of the computer and fluorescent lights, and the din of traffic, large machinery, aircraft, and other everyday technologies. According to a January 2007 Consumer Reports: On Health article titled "Shhh! Everyday noise can be harmful," stress and lack of energy are only two of the negative effects that everyday noises can have on our bodies. In addition, everyday noises have been shown to contribute to sleep problems, lack of motivation, lower efficiency levels, decreased creativity, poor mood, and increased heart attack risk.

Counteracting the Negative Effects of Everyday Noises

Noise may not be the sole cause of the stress and other health issues we experience, but it is most certainly one source. The good news is that we can reduce, and even reverse, the negative effects that noise has on our brains and bodies through regular exposure to the higher frequency sounds found in nature.

Spending a day, or even part of a day, in nature provides our bodies and brains with a much needed relief from stress. Unfortunately, going out to nature on a daily basis is not always an option, so bringing nature sounds into your home is the practical solution. Listening to sound machines and audio recordings that feature babbling brooks, ocean waves, rain showers, bird songs, and other natural sounds is one option. These items are plentiful and easy to find at many retailers. However, home water fountains and waterfalls are often a preferred source for nature sounds because they offer a multi-sensory stress-relieving experience that sound machines and audio recordings are unable to provide.

The Benefits of Water Fountains and Waterfalls

Water fountains and waterfalls - which come in tabletop, wall mounted, and free standing varieties - bring the soothing sounds of flowing water into the home, but they also bring a visual element. Not only are water fountains and waterfalls beautifully designed and able to complement just about any existing home décor, the water itself lends another dimension of stress relief to the equation. Watching the dance and trickle of water as it flows across rocks, down textured surfaces, and into a basin at the bottom enhances our auditory experience. When we listen to sound machines or audio recordings of nature sounds, we may feel the need to close our eyes to block out visual distractions around us that take our minds away from the goal of relaxation. In contrast, the visual attributes of water fountains and waterfalls bring us closer to that goal by giving us something beautiful and elemental to focus on with our eyes as we listen with our ears.

In addition, the water that flows in a water fountain or waterfall never sounds exactly the same from one moment to the next. This dynamic quality keeps our listening experience from growing monotonous or predictable, which can easily happen if we listen to sound machines or audio recordings regularly. We can also choose to dramatically change the "song" of the water in our water fountain or waterfall simply by rearranging rocks or other features in the basin or by adding a new element - such as a seashell, leaf, or small piece of wood - along the water's path. We can even place our own fingers in the water's flow to change the sound of the water as it moves; feeling the water stream across our skin would bring yet another sensory element to our experience.

The Soothing Nature of Water

Because water is an integral part of our world and our bodies, it has an innate ability to soothe. We are instinctively drawn to the sound of water, and we are mesmerized by its gentle flow. Spending time near water - listening, watching, touching - allows us to breathe more slowly and to break the cycle of stress we experience each day. Bringing a water fountain or waterfall into our home environment, whether it is a small tabletop version or a larger wall mounted or free standing version, gives us the luxury of regular access to real water, as opposed to pre-recorded water sounds. Water fountains and waterfalls provide us with a multi-sensory relaxation experience that may not only lower our stress levels, but improve our sleep and our moods, increase our motivation and efficiency, and even lower our risk for heart attack.

Trey Collier is owner of BackyardCity.com - Where North America shops for Outdoor Living essentials, including beautiful home water fountains and waterfalls.

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Behavior Characteristics of Autism

According to Wikipedia, it is a brain development disorder that impairs social interaction and communication and causes restricted and repetitive behavior, all starting before a child is three years old.

Another definition states that it is a neurodevelopmental disability, which in normal language is a condition that affects the normal growth of the brain so that the individual has difficulty with day-to-day living.

Autism is one of the five pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), which are characterized by widespread abnormalities of social interactions and communication, and severely restricted interests and highly repetitive behavior.

Asperger syndrome is another and is a milder form of autism. The main difference in autism and asperger syndrome is that asperger syndrome has no substantial delay in language development.

Autism is defined by a certain set of behaviors, which may or may not be evident in infancy (15 to 24 months). Usually these behaviors will be more obvious during early childhood (24 months to 6 years).

The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) lists some behaviors that might indicate further evaluation is recommended.

These are:

Your child does not babble or coo by 12 months
Does not gesture (point, wave, grasp) by 12 months

Does not say single words by 16 months

Does not say two-word phrases on his or her own by 24 months

Does not want to cuddle or be cuddled

Below you will find some of the Characteristic Behaviors that are more obvious in children 24 months and older.

Significant difficulties with social interactions:

Has difficulty developing relationships with peers
Lack of interest in playing with other children (prefers being alone)
Has difficulty making eye contact with others
Shows little body language or facial expressions when interacting
Seems uninterested in sharing experiences
Engages less in give-and-take social interaction with others
Inability to share with others

Speech, language, and communication impairments:

Lack of conversational reciprocity
Inability to understand or use facial expressions and body language
Lack of speech, impaired speech or unusual speech
Echoes words or phrases (echolalia)

Significant difficulties in the development of play:

May use only parts of toys
Lines up or stacks objects
Obsessive attachment to objects
Lacks the ability to pretend play

Unusual responses to normal environmental sensory stimulation (hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity), involving sight, hearing (auditory), taste, smell, touch (tactile), proprioception and vestibular senses are quite common and prominent in autistic children.

These senses are known as sensory integration dysfunction. In sensory integration dysfunction also known as the sensory processing disorder (SPD), the senses are not correctly interpreted by the nervous system. In this situation, the world is perceived differently for this child than it actually exists for neurotypical individuals.

Because the nervous system tells the body how to react to this incorrect information, the behaviors are inappropriate for the given situation.

Some examples of these might be:



lack of eye contact
distracted by clutter
agitated with patterns or too many colors

needs a visually stimulating environment (objects that spin and move)
tends to look directly into the lights

Hearing (auditory):

(Hypersensitivity)Easily bothered by noises that may even cause an experience of intense pain
May not respond to sounds, including hearing their name when calledMay make lots of noises (humming, tapping, etc.)Might be insistent on the TV or radio being very loud


Gags easily
Prefers not to mix foods
Has difficulty with certain textures


Tends to constantly have something in the mouth (fingers, objects, or food)

May cause nausea, vomiting, and headaches
May cause agitation

Desires strong aromas
May sniff people and other objects inappropriately

Touch (tactile):

Needs large personal space
May be sensitive to some fabrics, seams and even tags
May have a dislike of touching certain textures
Dislikes being touched
If bumped or pushed, could become unusually angry


Prefers small spaces
May not notice if they are hurt or injured

Proprioception :

Seems clumsy and uncoordinated
Vestibular :

Due to gravitational insecurity, will have difficulty on stairs or escalators
May develop motion sickness easily

(Hyposensitivity)Will seek movement and be in constant motion (rocking, spinning or swinging)
Repetitive stereotypic behavior known as stimming (may involve any or all of the senses to various degrees in different individuals)

Shows interest in very few objects or activities and plays with them in repetitive ways
Performs repetitive routines and resists changes in these routines
Spends time in repetitive movements such as waving a hand in front of his/her face, rocking, spinning or pacing

Below are some examples of these:

Visual - staring at lights, blinking, gazing at fingers, lining up objects

Auditory - tapping fingers, snapping fingers, grunting, humming

Smell - smelling objects, sniffing people

Tactile - scratching, clapping, feeling objects, hair twisting, toe-walking

Taste - licking objects, placing objects in mouth

Proprioception - teeth grinding, pacing, jumping

Vestibular - rocking, hand waving, twirling, spinning, jumping, pacing or other rhythmic, repetitive motions

Difficulties in managing the child:

No real fear of dangers
Tantrums or no apparent reason
Aggressive behavior
Self-mutilation/injurious behavior such as head-banging, self-biting, and self-hitting
Laughing and/or crying for no apparent reason
Showing distress for reasons not apparent to others
Apparent insensitivity to pain
Inappropriate response or no response to sound
Non-responsive to verbal cues - acts as if deaf

The child's development and abilities will seem very uneven - very poor skills in some areas, and exceptional abilities in others, such as music, memory, arithmetic, calendar arithmetic, drawing or manual dexterity - in the manipulation of puzzles and mechanical objects. Those displaying such skills are sometimes referred to as Savants.

There are two other characteristics found in children with autism. These children will tend to have issues with sleep and with stomach problems that can cause chronic constipation or diarrhea.

Now, having any of these characteristic behaviors does not mean your child has autism. It is, however, recommended that a child displaying any of these behaviors should be seen by a professional who is knowledgeable about autism.

For more information on Autism, please visit my website, found below. You will find pretty much everything you will want or need to know about autism and how to deal with it via the many resources, articles as well as videos found there.

Saylor Niederworder


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2012年1月25日 星期三

8 Important Items to Help You Advocate For Your Child With Aspergers Syndrome

Has your child recently been diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome, and you are struggling to get your school district to recognize the diagnosis? Would you like to learn some important information to help you in your special education advocacy efforts, for your child? This article will specifically address things that you need to know to help you fight for special education services for your child.

Things that you need to know.

1. Aspergers Syndrome has its own category in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM IV) that is used for diagnosis. It is under the umbrella of Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD).

2. The American Psychiatric Association is proposing changing Aspergers Syndrome from its own category to within the autism category for the DSM V. The intent is to try and make the diagnosis of autism clearer. The decision will be made within several months (middle to end of 2010).

3. From an educational standpoint this is a wonderful decision, in my opinion, that will benefit thousands of children throughout the United States. Why? Many school districts have denied children with this disorder special education services because they state that the child does not have autism, and so therefore is not eligible. But in reality the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act state that a child must have one of 13 covered disabilities and have educational need. Aspergers is a part of the autism spectrum and should be a covered disability; though you may need to advocate for this.

4. Many children with this disorder will require help learning appropriate social interactions and social skills. This should be provided as a special education services for your child if they need it. It could be working directly with a school social worker or participating in a small group social skills class.

5. Small groups may help your child with their education and also to develop appropriate social skills.

6. Modifications and adaptations in the regular classroom may help your child keep up with their peers.

7. Sensory integration disorder is common in many children with this disorder, and shows itself in difficulty with lights, sounds, different foods and different fabrics. If your child shows this difficulty, ask your school district for testing by an Occupational Therapist who is SIPT qualified (has received specialized training in the area of sensory integration/processing disorder).

8. Many children with Aspergers may need Occupational Therapy also for motor clumsiness. Ask for specific testing in this area if your child shows need.

Keep these 8 items in mind when you attend Individual Educational Plan Meetings (IEP) for your child. They will assist you in trying to help your child receive a Free Appropriate Public Education!

JoAnn Collins is the mother of two adults with disabilities, and has helped families navigate the special education system, as an advocate, for over 15 years. She is a presenter and author of the book "Disability Deception; Lies Disability Educators Tell and How Parents Can Beat Them at Their Own Game." The book has a lot of resources and information to help parents fight for an appropriate education for their child. For a free E newsletter entitled "The Special Education Spotlight" send an E mail to: JoAnn@disabilitydeception.com. For more information on the book, testimonials about the book, and a link to more articles go to: http://www.disabilitydeception.com.

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Heavy Metal Mercury Poisoning - Chelation and the Link With Autism - Asperger's and ADHD

Similarities of Mercury Poisoning and Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD and Sensory Integration Dysfunction

Mercury Poisoning is thought to be one of the major biomedical causes of Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder Hyperactivity ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, Sensory Integration Dysfunction and Pervasive Developmental Disorder PDD!

Mercury can affect the body in a variety of areas including speech and motor processing, cognitive and social abilities and create sensory abnormalities. Many of these symptoms are similar to those displayed in children on the autism spectrum or those with Asperger's syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder PDD, sensory integration dysfunction and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADD/ ADHD.

"Mad hatters" syndrome was a direct result of the mercury used to cure felt when making a hat. Due to the mercury exposure, people who manufactured hats often suffered from dementia, mental illness or in general confusion. New studies are linking heavy metal toxicity to Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

Symptoms of Mercury Poisoning

Social withdrawal and lack of eye contact or visual fixation

Anxiety and mood swings

Failure to develop speech, articulation problems and echolalia (repetitive vocalizations)

Sound sensitivity

Abnormal touch sensations or touch aversion

Over sensitivity to light

Flapping or repetitive motions

Excessive salivation or drooling

Clumsiness and poor coordination

Difficulties in sitting, walking, crawling

Sleep difficulties

Poor concentration / attention issues / ADHD symptoms

Rashes or eczema

Digestive problems / diarrhea and constipation

Where did the mercury come from?


A form of mercury called thimerosal was in several vaccines. According to the CDC "until 1999, vaccines given to infants to protect them against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), and Hepatitis B contained thimerosal as a preservative. Today, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the only vaccines routinely recommended for children 6 years of age and younger that contain thimerosal are: one vaccine for DTaP, and three vaccines for influenza (flu). These four vaccines contain only trace amounts of thimerosal."

The vaccines do not cause autism, but if the body's detoxification system is not working properly, the person can have a difficult time expelling what would normally be considered unharmful amounts. Because the body can not expel these harmful toxins properly they are harboring within the body causing the symptoms listed above. This is part of the reason why it is critical to not get a child vaccinated when they are ill, even if it is just a cold.

Mercury Amalgam Dental Fillings

For dental work, stay away from mercury amalgam fillings. It is just safer to go with composite fillings. Again it may not be a problem for everyone, but for those individuals with impaired detoxification systems it can cause severe problems. The more fillings the greater the risk due to the cumulative effect of toxins. Before beginning chelation therapy mercury amalgam dental fillings should be removed to avoid further exposure to mercury!


Unfortunately our food supply is contaminated. Tuna, swordfish and sea bass are amount the mostly highly contaminated fish with high levels of mercury. The website www.GotMercury.com has an online calculator to help you determine how much mercury is in your food.

Other Sources of Mercury

Damaged nonstick cookware or aluminum cookware

Toxic air from coal burning plants

Lawn and garden pesticides

Success Story

I ate tuna fish several times a week when I was pregnant and swordfish several times a month. The warnings that these larger fish were generally high mercury due to environmental pollution were just emerging in between my first and second child. I also received the flu shot as recommended when I was pregnant which does have thimerosal or mercury in it. I am sure these were contributing factors to why both my children were discovered to have toxic levels of lead and mercury in their little bodies. The Happy Sun shows actual before and after lab results of chelation therapy.

Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy is the process of removing heavy metals from the body by taking a medication, which attracts and attached to the mercury and helps excrete it from the body. There is some medical controversy about using chelation for treatment of autism and ADD / ADHD issues because it is considered an "off label" treatment. However using botox for wrinkles is also an "off label" treatment as botox is designed to stop facial spasms and tics. You are in essence not treating autism or ADD / ADHD with chelation, but rather first testing the child to determine if heavy metal toxicity is an underlying problem and then using chelation therapy to treat the heavy metal toxicity. Click here to read more about testing for heavy metals.

Find yourself at The Happy Son! Mercury Poisoning Chelation Therapy Autism can be found at The Happy Son along with examples of real lab results. The Happy Son is a resource for biomedical interventions and helping you find out of the holistic answers for chemical imbalances including depression, SAD, autism, asperger's, sensory integration dysfunction, ADHD and weight loss.

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2012年1月24日 星期二

Move to Groove: The Importance of Body Movements to Integrate the Brain for Learning

Learning begins at the moment a baby takes his or her first breath. The moment a human being enters this world, they begin to learn. They embark on a journey of exploration, need-fulfillment and the integration of multi-sensory information. Each and every sound they hear, thing they see, touch they receive, scent they smell, and taste they experience is sorted into various parts of the brain and "stored" for future use. As a child progresses through various stages of life, new information continues to be received, sorted, and stored - each new skill building upon the last.

Patterned movement is an important aspect of higher-level learning skills - such as reading, writing and spelling. The amazing truth is that the development of movement and physical orientation in relationship to the world are actually the building blocks to academic learning patterns. Everything a baby and toddler does helps support the foundations of learning language, reading, spelling, and writing. For example, when a baby crawls, the movement of the legs and arms transitioning in opposite sequential patterns is actually sending signals back and forth across the mid-brain: The simple act of crawling is literally making the two sides of the brain "talk" to each other. It is movement and play, discovery and associative relationships, and the gathering of information via the senses that networks the brain for future tasks.

The effect of alternating body movements does not stop after the toddler stage of development. Continuing to integrate alternating body movements during normal play - or any activity - keeps the brain "talking" amongst its parts. Climbing, jumping, skipping, riding a bike, and swimming are all powerful brain networking exercises. The act of doing activities that alternate the right and the left sides of the body continues to promote the exchange of neural information from right to left hemispheres and vice versa, that was initiated during infancy. This process of brain communication is essential to successful learning.

That is why it may be wise to "get back to basics" in life: participating in activities that come naturally to children which have been incorporated into daily life for generations. Some of these activities can include riding a bike, shooting basketballs, playing hopscotch, swimming, playing "tag", jumping, skipping, and so on. As simple as these activities sound, they involve movement from both sides of the body and are powerful brain boosters for learning.

As a Speech Pathologist of many years, I always encourage families to promote more physical activity into their children's lives. This can be achieved in several ways. First, be an example; participate in activities with your children such as bike rides, shooting "hoops", bowling, throwing horseshoes, etc. There are so many activities that families can participate in together; this not only helps you have fun and promote bonding, but it actually fosters brain function development. Here are some general suggestions for promoting whole body activity into the lives of your child:

Reduce the time they spend with their Game Boys and X- Boxes and promote more time for movement activities.

Help your child find a sport that interests them and that allows for whole body movement. Many children like group sports like basketball or baseball, while others enjoy more personalized sports such as tennis. Sporting activities can be competitive or just be played for fun. Encourage your kids to be kids.

Allow your child time to unwind after school before requiring homework completion. After all, they have been sitting in a desk for close to eight hours each day, and their brains and bodies need time to re-integrate.

Encourage writing exercises to promote visual, tactile, and kinesthetic input into the learning process.

Be attentive to how your child learns and attends to his/her work the best. Create learning environments around these observations. For example, you may find that allowing your child to stand at the kitchen counter, while she gently rocks from side to side will help her complete her math assignment faster and with more accuracy. In summary in parents, encourage your child to be more active. Physical exercise that promotes moving the two sides of the body in alternating movements not only promotes better health in general, but it also integrates the brain for systematic learning. Have fun with your children and demonstrate the joys of ole' fashion fun and games. Parents, it is time to move and groove the brain into success!

Lucy Gross-Barlow: As a Speech/Language Pathologist of over 26 years and having practiced in a wide variety of therapeutic settings, Lucy brings to her clients a diversity of patient care knowledge. For the past 12 years, she has specialized her practice in the area of processing disorders and remediation of learning impairments, and she has a passion in seeing her clients succeed in their communicative and learning skills. Lucy now desires to extend the knowledge she has gained in processing and learning remediation to as many children as possible to enable them to reach their full learning and communicative potential in life.

Lucy is a founding partner of The Therapy Group, an association of Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, learning specialists, Speech-Language Pathology Aides, parent teachers, administrators and advocates pioneering an industry in web-based consulting for parents who seek to help their children with learning challenges or those learning with disabilities in achieving academic and social success. Providing parents with resources, learning therapies, proprietary products and programs worldwide.

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Children's Health - How to Treat Autism in a Conventional Perspective

I. Definition

Conventional medicine is also known as Western medicine. It is a system of medical approach in which medical doctor and other health professionals such as nurses, medical technician and specialists and therapists, etc. use medication, radiation, medical equipments or surgery to treat symptoms of disease and diseases.

II. How conventional medicine effects autism

A. Diagnosis

For the disease to be treated effectively, the conventional doctor first has to diagnose what causes the symptoms of the disease or diseases. It is helped by blood test, logical screen, psychological and physical examination, etc. The diagnosis of children with development disorder is always a stressful and time consuming road for both parent and children, because each doctor in conventional medicine mostly specializes in one field and can not make any suggestion outside of his or her professional judgement. You may be recommended to see other specialists if one found to be necessary. Since autism is complex disease, it requires a team of doctor before it can be diagnosed correctly and many wrong diagnosis have been done, leading to overwhelming pressure and time wasting to the parent and their children. Fortunately, many cases of autism have been correctly diagnosed and are treated accordingly.

To avoid wasting your time, here is the basic list of doctors and specialists who have been required for all children with development disorder to be diagnosed correctly:

a. Development and behaviour pediatrician

b. Paediatric neurologist

c. Children psychiatrist

d. Children psychologist

e. Speech and language pathologist

f. Occupational therapist

g. Physical therapist

h. Play therapist

i. Social worker

Some children may require more or less specialists than the list above in their road to find a cure, but we believe the list is a basic team for fast and corrected diagnosis.

B. Types of conventional treatment

1. Animal therapy

Animal therapy focus to improve in the inter action between the child and animal, thereby increasing the child confident in building relation ship as well as sensory and motor issues.

2. Auditory integration therapy

The program uses modified music and sound with an aim to correct the problems of child's in processing and understanding speech and sound.

3. Augmentative communication

Augmentative communication helps to support the child's communication output by acting as a bridge until speech develops or by providing an alternative if speech fails to develop. It includes picture exchange communication, picture and symbol displays, technological support for communication, sign language and body language.

4. Behaviour treatments

The aims of behaviour treatment is to help the autistic children to overcome the emotional , behavioural and cognitive dysfunction through a goal-oriented, systematic procedure. It is said that this types of treatment have proven to be successful in treating mood, anxiety, personality, eating, substance abuse, and psychotic disorders in some degrees.

5. Chelation

Since children with autism have a weakened secretion system, Cchelation helps to remove heavy metals accumulated in the brain through medication taken by IV or by mouth or rubbed on the skin. Although, it is a new treatment, but in theory, it decreases physical and behaviour problems.

6. Diet

Daily diet is always important for autistic or non autistic children. Since most autistic children have problem of weakened immune system and problem with toxic elimination, intake of foods which help to strengthen immune and improve toxin secretion will do no harm while avoiding intake of foods which may elevate the allergic and gastrointestinal problem are always essential. Choosing fresh and organic foods carefully will always help to reduce metabolic conditions for autistic children.

7. Discrete trial training

Discrete trial training is a program which helps to improve the basic skills for autistic children

a) Pre learning skills such as sit, attending, look at your class mate and teacher, etc.

b) Safe skills such as know their name, address, parent phone number, etc

Before the children can proceed the more complex language, academic and social skills by beginning of with a breaking off the skills into small part and taught in repetitive drills. The process of the children is record and rewarded if the response is appropriate.

8. Facilitated communication

The program helps the non verbal students to communicate with others while someone helps to support their hands and arm.

9. Immunological treatments

The types of therapy helps to alter immune system deficit for children with autism, including steroid, infusion and intravenous munoglobulin, depending to the child's diagnosis. These treatments may carry long term health risk. There are many herbs which can help such as ginko boliba if you want to use herb or other alternative treatment for this type of disorder, please consult with your doctor before applying.

10. Medication

Medicine used by conventional medicine to treat some symptoms of autism such as hyperactive, anxiety, moodswing, seizure, gastrointestinal disorder have been proven very effective, but with some side effects, therefore it is for the child benefit to keep the dose as low as possible:

a ) Tranquilizers

i) Effects

Tranquilizers include thioridazine (Mellaril), chlorpromazine (Thorazine), haloperidol (Haldol) and risperidol (Risperdal) which help to treat symptoms of behaviour problem by regulating the production of dopamine, thereby increasing their attention and concentration in school and at home thus making them more able to learn.

ii) Side effect of tranquilizers include

*Sedation or sleepiness.

** Less common side effects include changes in the function of the liver, effects on blood cells, restlessness or agitation, sensitivity of the skin to the sun, and true allergic reactions

*** Re occurrence of the symptoms if the medication is stopped

b) Serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitor

i) Effects

It works well for children with depression and anxiety disorders, by regulating the production of serotonin which is vital for responsible and controlling the fundamental physiological aspects of the body

ii) Side effects

*Urinary retention

** Easily agitated or upset.

*** Dizziness and Fatigue

**** Change in appetite and sleep and etc.

11. Musical therapy

Musical therapy focus in using music through singing, movement and musical instruments to assist learning of language, communication and social skills.

12. Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy is a type of program, helping to compromise physically, intellectually or emotionally to integrate coping skills into their lives in order to perform necessary tasks. but for children with autism, the main goal of occupational therapy is to integrate sensory perception through recognition and interpretation of sensory stimuli based chiefly on memory, therefore it helps the child to gain a more peaceful frame of mind and concentrate on certain tasks.

13. Play therapy

Play therapy is focus in using plays to improve the language, speech, communication, emotional and social skills.

14. Physical therapy

Physical therapy is also known as physiotherapy. The main goal of this program is to develop, maintain and restore maximum movement and functional ability for the children with autism, such as walking, jumping, running, etc. so that the children can increase their physical strength, balance and motility as well as better sensory integration.

15. Rapid-prompting method

Soma Mukhopadhyay is the founder of rapid-prompting method. The method involves constant, fast-paced questioning and combined with the use of a low-tech alphabet board for spelled communication to keep the students attention and prompt rapid response from the students.

16. Recreational therapy

Encouraging the child to participate in some types of sport such as swimming, gymnastic, dance etc., thereby increasing the child awareness of social interaction.

17. Relationship development intervention

Relationship development intervention believes autism children can adapt to authentic emotional relationships with others and different environments if they are given opportunity to learn them in a gradual, systematic way by using highly structured games, exercises, back and forth focused communication, share experience and plays with others of that help to build up the experience of interacting in social relationships.

18. Social skill group

Children plays together under supervision of parents and specialist such as psychologist, this helps to improve the social interaction and social skills, thereby increasing the child awareness of inappropriate behaviours and interest in playing with other children.

19. Social story

By telling simple story with lots of pictures and sometimes words, the program improves the autistic children self help and social skills and prepare the child for the change of routine and in new environment.

20. Son-rise

Son-rise is one of the method has been taught to parent with autistic children in the 70s, unfortunately there are no published independent study has tested the efficacy of the program. The program believes by accepting autistic children as they are, with no prejudgement and interacting with them with positive, enthusiastic way as well as encouraging the children in more meaningful communication of that can help the children overcome verbal and social interactive deficit.

21. Speech and language therapy

It is a program designed to improve the autistic children ability in speech production, vocal production, swallowing difficulties and language needs and the use of language. The program can be run through different contexts including schools, hospitals, and private clinic or therapist's office.

22. Treatment and education of autism and related communication-handicap

It is a class program with the aim to teach autistic children independent work, life by communication and social skills by focusing in repetitive routines, picture schedules and structural settings.

23. Verbal behaviour

It is first discovered by Skinner, a psychologist. It helps the children to language and speech by breaking off the sentence into small part and taught in systematic way by assessing the minute details of initial and progress communication skills through gaps filling. Parent are requested to response and reward their child as well. As the communicative skills progress, the children are taught to make request, ask question and engage in more complex conversation. The program is only a theory with little experimental research until recently.

24. Vision therapy

Vision therapy may be necessary, if the child is suspected to have problem of seeing or understanding and learning for what he or she see.

25. Vitamins and supplements

Since children with autism is lack of vitamin B6, vitamin E and other trace minerals, it is no harm if they are taken in small dose. If you want to use them or high doses, please consult with your child's doctor before applying.

In fact, there are no single type of treatment which is likely to be effective for all children and all families. Instead, intervention will need to be adapted to individual needs and the value of approaches.

To read more of he above subject, please visit http://autism-homepage.blogspot.com/

For other children health articles, visit http://childernhealth-braindevelopmentd.blogspot.com/

All articles By Kyle J. Norton Are For Information and Education Only, Please Consult With Your Doctor or Related Field Specialist Before Applying.

All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.
"Let You Be With Your Health, Let Your Health Be With You" Kyle J. Norton
I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Master degree in Mathematics, teaching and tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining insurance industries. Part time Health, Insurance and Entertainment Article Writer.

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2012年1月23日 星期一

Certified Rolfing - Integrating Girdles

Throughout this exploration of the Rolfing ten series there has been quite a bit of change initiated into the client's structure. Manual manipulation alone is not sufficient to integrate the change accumulated in the ten series.

These three movement sessions enable the client to play a vital role in their "mastery of other". We have hydrated, differentiated, and are integrating this blessed individual with their direct involvement in the inquiry. The final movement strategy is known as movement three: Upper integration.

The movement begins with the client sitting in a chair facing a wall, their toes flexed and against the wall with the ball and heal of each foot grounded to the floor. Client explores making the connection from the toes to the pelvis. Moving and leading into a sensory exploration of each individual leg and the legs together of how they are differentiated and yet joined at the pelvic girdle and exploring that up to MDH.

Next, have the client position the palmar surface of each hand planted against the resistance of the wall, feet not touching, and lead them through the same exploration with the upper girdle that was used with the lower. The arms are also differentiated and yet connected via the shoulder girdle and the client should be able to make that connection down to the MDH. Another great technique used to integrate the upper girdle is similar to a movement used for the pelvic girdle, ocular decoupling of limbs of expression. The client is supine, head is neutral while they follow the passive range of motion of each with peripheral vision. Have the client come to standing and make that body wide connection exploring with the G and G' tendencies and orientation in the gait cycle. This is a great place to end the third movement session.

The Certified Rolfing Ten Series has the potential to reduce pain and release tension in the connective and myofascial tissue of the body associated with TMJ, CTS, RLS, Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, Fascitis, Bunions, Scoliosis, and Cerebral Palsy. Fascial asymmetries can cause foot, leg, knee, hip, back, shoulder, neck, arm, hand, and head pain; integration therapy is necessary. Orthopedic, Chiropractic, Physical, and Massage Therapist recognize Rolfing and Rolf Movement as premium pain management utilizing Structural, Functional, and Postural Integration. Before and after photos of some of my clients proven results available only on my website.

John Barton, Certified Rolfer & Rolfing Fort Worth, Texas/Dallas, TX


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Family TV Watching and Autism - Ways You Can Help Your Child

You can help your child with autism lower their stress level with some simple rules about family TV watching.

As a child and now an adult with autism and sensory processing disorder, I know that TV can be stressful to the point of jumping, tears, anger, confusion, and other reactions. As an adult, I have learned to contain some of my reaction in front of others, but children don't necessarily have that regulation built in yet. Also, while watching TV, I will start to feel upset. I often don't realize what is bothering me early on, but I have learned to identify my own signs.

When my hubby and his kids are talking and watching sports, I have to leave the room, close the door, and go away because my aggravation from the sound continues to elevate until it boils. A child may not know that they can leave the room to a quieter place. A family member may even tell the child to stay in that room or the TV may be audible throughout the house, so the child has no escape from the sound. With the noises from the TV, the child's irritability can climb all day.

Here are some TV rules that could make your child's life much more relaxed:

1. No talking while the TV is on. More than one source of sound is not merely aggravating; it feels like a hurt in the brain.

2. Mute the commercials. The sudden jarring sound of a blasting commercial bashing into the ears can make your child jump, sweat, breathe fast, or make sounds.

3. If your TV has the capability, lower the treble. The higher register noises are more painful.

4. Put the TV in an enclosed room and close the door so your child does not have to hear it.

5. If you are not watching the TV, turn it off.

6. Have your child look away from the screen during commercials so the fast-moving visual stimuli don't make it worse.

7. Turn the volume down.

8. Learn to make TV more bearable for your child by doing a brushing protocol first. Your child can also lie under a weighted blanket while watching TV.

Eileen Parker is the creator of the Cozy Calm weighted blanket. She has autism and sensory processing disorder so she knows first-hand how her weighted blanket gives her a happy and restful sleep. Find her weighted blankets at http://www.CozyCalm.com Read her blog at http://www.EileenParker.com

Her blankets are machine wash/dry, made of soft, cuddly fleece, and they are evenly weighted. They are designed for people like her.

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