2012年7月2日 星期一

Therapeutic Horseback Riding

Many people ride horses for the fun aspect of it. Nevertheless, horse riding has a lot more to offer than short-lived fun. There are countless benefits attached to this docile yet exciting activity. Horseback riding will help you lose extra weight by fast burning of calories as well as strengthening rarely used muscles in the body. These are just some benefits of therapeutic horse riding. If you are wondering whether you have to be prolific at horse riding to benefit from all these, the answer is no. Anyone can learn to ride a horse and no matter how little time you spend on the horse, you can be sure that there are tangible benefits to gain.

We have mentioned strengthening muscles. It is true that there are muscles in the body that are never affected by the most common forms of activities including walking. Horse riding helps give these muscles a complete work out, tightens and develops them. It also eases pressure in joints, which often causes pain. Another advantage is that therapeutic horse riding will not strain your lower body like most exercises. Often when a person engages in cardio exercises, jogging, walking or swimming, the thighs and legs suffer the highest level of stress; and unless one stretches before and after the exercise, they are bound to experience rigidity and pain. Not so with therapeutic horse riding. For this same reason, it is the best exercise option for someone who has been involved in little exercise regime in a long time.

Studies have shown that horseback riding burns four times more calories than walking, which is one of the most effective ways to stay fit. Whether galloping, trotting or walking the horse, you will lose a varying number of calories. You will lose up to 8 calories a minute on a galloping horse, 6 calories a minute on a trotting horse and 2 calories a minute by simply walking the horse. Either way, you will lose some pounds if you dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to horseback riding. Granted, therapeutic horseback riding is not a boring activity so the 30 minutes is on the very low end. Most people will spend a minimum of one hour on the horse.

Activating glucose metabolism is another benefit that therapeutic horseback riding has. It enhances circulation in the body and improves respiration. It also reduces bloating and helps in digestion. Other physical benefits include sensory integration, increased flexibility and movement of joints, decreased spasticity and reduction in abnormal movement patterns.

Benefits are not limited to the physical only. There are emotional, psychological and social benefits too. Because of the high level of concentration expected of a horse rider, hand and eye coordination improves significantly the more one rides. Expansion of focus, emotional control, patience and self-discipline are other disciplines one develops as they form a habit of horseback riding. The more one engages in it, the more confidence they have in themselves. As one meets other horse lovers, they build new friendships and improve their social life too. Every horse riding session is something to look forward to and that is enough to release 'feel-good' hormones in the body!

Nicole Roberts
therapeutic horseback riding is not a boring activity so the 30 minutes is on the very low end. Most people will spend a minimum of one hour on the horse.

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